slow moving

Walking meditation is a slow, contemplative walking practice or exercise in which I mindfully observe myself lifting my feet one at a time and then placing each one down again.

Paying attention to everything with concsciously heightened awareness: the sights, sounds, smells, the feel of my body moving ahead along the path, the feel of my feet on the earth with each step.

And when I find my attention wandering, I stop walking and stand still, gently collecting myself and recollecting what I was engaged in, also the moments when I make photos. I take a few deep breaths, and then start moving ahead again.

Contemplating the beautiful vista as seen from Vantage Pointe, Fullerton 


Wherever you are, there you are…

What? 1.25, 2.25, 25 or 125 miles? I don’t know.

Walking and art

When does your walking become an art? 

Art? It’s in the eye of the beholder. And in the mind of the creator… 

We can all find deep hidden meaning, or a forceful visual impact in the simplest things…

Noticing, and maybe capturing, these moments can give a rich extra dimension to our walking experience…

Often, we notice what others do not. 

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